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Construction Mentors can be appointed in two main ways:


  • Contractor appoints a Construction Mentor directly to develop his skills;

  • Financier or employer appoints a Construction Mentor directly or through the contractor to mitigate the risk on a project and to develop the contractor’s skills






  1. Construction mentorship services cannot be defined only on a project by project basis, since the relationship between Contractor and Construction Mentor can extend far longer than any project. The activities detailed herein can be identified for a single project, or over a period of time and across multiple projects.

  2. Construction Mentors are appointed to support Contractors. The entity that appoints and pays for the Construction Mentor is not necessarily the same entity that appoints a Construction Mentor to assist a Contractor. Each of these entities would make use of the Construction Mentor to achieve different objectives, depending on their role in the Project, and it is important to take cognisance of these when selecting the activities that the Construction Mentor will be providing.

  3. The timing of the Construction Mentors involvement will depend on who engages the Construction Mentor, on what basis, for what period of time, and the extent of the advice and support required by the Contractors.




Construction Mentors shall be able to perform the following standard activities:






Identify the Contractor to be mentored, who the Construction Mentor will be, what the Construction Mentor’s experience should include, identifying the Contractor’s needs and options, appointment of additional specialists where required, determination of Construction Mentor’s brief, priorities, assumptions and strategies.


 Standard Services

  1.  Presentation of the possible outcomes resulting from a Construction Mentorship relationship.

  2. Identification of the skills required by the Construction Mentor in order to address the perceived requirements of the Contractor.

  3. Documentation of the required Construction Mentorship services and incorporation thereof into an Agreement.

  4. Establishment of a performance monitoring system for determining the efficacy of Construction Mentorship in the development of the Contractor’s skills.


  • Draft agreement for the provision of Construction Mentorship services.

  • Construction Mentorship monitoring system incorporated into the Agreement


 Compilation of a skills assessment report on the Contractor, identifying the Contractor’s strengths, shortcomings and operational systems. Determination of the level of input required for each area where a skills shortage is identified.





Compilation of a skills assessment report on the Contractor, identifying the Contractor's strengths, shortcomings and operational systems. Determination of the level of input required for each area where a skills shortage is identified.


Standard Services

  1.  Completion of a skills audit questionnaire with the Contractor.

  2. Determination of the level of skills that the Contractor currently has.

  3. Determination of areas for the Construction Mentor to provide advice.

  4. Determination of the provisional estimate of time required by the Construction Mentor to bring the Contractor up to the required level of skill.

  5. Define and agree preliminary scope of Construction Mentorship services.

  6. Prepare Preliminary Construction Mentorship Programme and schedule.



  • Preliminary scope of Construction Mentorship services

  • Preliminary Construction Mentorship programme and schedule.







Advise the Contractor on how best to manage, co-ordinate and integrate advice given and skills transfer required within the agreed scope, time, cost and quality parameters.


Standard services

  1.  Review and recommend practical and cost effective construction methods which will comply with the project specifications.

  2. Review tender documentation together with the Contractor to establish any cost effective alternative solutions.

  3. Provide advice to the Contractor on the Health and Safety requirements during construction.

  4. Provide advice on cost control systems as may be required by the Contractor for estimating, budgeting and cost reporting purposes.

  5. Attend the appropriate planning, co-ordination and management meetings as an observer.

  6. Monitor skills development progress of the Contractor throughout the Construction Mentorship programme.

  7. Provide advice and contact particulars of relevant training courses provided by others that are appropriate for the Contractor’s level of expertise.

  8. Advise the Contractor on site establishment including the provision of all necessary temporary services, storage facilities, security requirements and other site requirements

  9. Advise the Contractor on all matters relating to the project.



  • Proposed Construction Method Statements drawn up by the Contractor

  • Appropriate cost control systems implemented within the Contractor’s organisation

  • Efficient utilisation of personnel, materials and resources in the delivery of the construction works project

  • Personnel employed with the requisite competencies and skills for a Contractor of that size.






The process of establishing and implementing effective and appropriate monitoring systems to measure the development of the Contractor’s skills and capabilities.


 Standard Services


  1. Select, recommend and agree the monitoring strategy for the Contractor.

  2. Monitor the preparation and implementation of the Health and Safety requirements of the project

  3. Monitor the ability of the Contractor to manage the preparation and submission of a Tender

  4. Monitor the ability of the Contractor to prepare and agree the Project Programme including the scheduling of sub-contractors.

  5. Monitor the Contractor’s ability to effectively manage the process for procurement of sub- contractors and suppliers in accordance with agreed procedures, including calling for tenders, evaluation of tenders, and award of sub-contracts and supplier agreements.



  • Monitoring strategy

  • List of properly appointed sub-contractors and suppliers with suitable contracts

  • Schedule of Health and Safety requirements

  • Project programme





The process of establishing and implementing effective and appropriate financial controls in order that the Contractor can efficiently manage project level as well as company-level finances.


Standard Services


  1. Analyse project risks and finalise tender submissions

  2. Calculate and determine project cashflow requirements

  3. Identify and implement appropriate project cost control measures for different site operations.

  4. Project financial reporting on a regular basis

  5. Composite control of multiple project cashflow requirements from a company perspective.

  6. Financial controls required to balance project cashflow requirements on a continuous basis.

  7. Preparation of project financial statements



  • Project cash flow that relates to the construction programme, costs and revenue

  • Risk matrix identifying the financial impacts of a project prior to tender submission

  • Project cost control systems appropriate to the nature of the project

  • Regular project cost reports indicating costs, profits and reasons for any variation from the projected cash flow





The management and administration of construction contracts, including the preparation and co- ordination of the necessary documentation to facilitate effective execution of the works.


Standard Services


  1. Assist the Contractor to plan, price, estimate and submit tender proposals.

  2. Advise the Contractor on appropriate industry associations that they should join, along with the advantages of membership.

  3. Facilitate the Contractor’s compliance with statutory requirements.

  4. Facilitate the management of the preparation and agreement of the Health and Safety Plan with the Client’s Health and Safety Consultants and sub-contractors.

  5. Facilitate the establishment and maintenance of regular monitoring of all site setting out including line, level and datum of the works.

  6. Facilitate the continuous monitoring for compliance of the site management to ensure compliance and adherence to the Health and Safety Plan.

  7. Advise the Contractor on the provision of the necessary documentation as required by the Health and Safety Consultant for the Health and Safety File.

  8. Advise the Contractor on the implementation of the requirements of the Environmental Management Plan.

  9. Advise the Contractor on how to appoint subcontractors and suppliers including the finalizing of all agreements.

  10. Facilitate the receipt, co-ordination, review and approval of all contract Documentation provided by the sub-contractors and suppliers for Compliance with the entire contract requirements.

  11. Advise the contractor on how best to monitor the on-going project Insurance requirements.

  12. Advise the contractor on how to facilitate and manage the establishment of sub-contractors on the site.

  13. Advise the Contractor on how to finalize and agree the Quality Assurance Plan with the design consultants and sub-contractors.

  14. Advise the Contractor on how to continuously monitor the compliance of the quality of the works in accordance with the agreed Quality Assurance Plan.

  15. Advise the Contractor on how to establish and co-ordinate the formal and informal communication structure and procedures for the construction process.

  16. Advise the Contractor on how to regularly facilitate and record the necessary construction management meetings including sub-contractors, suppliers, programme, progress and costs meeting.

  17. Advise the Contractor on how to finalize and agree the contract programme and revisions thereof as necessary.

  18. Advise the Contractor on how to prepare and finalize the detailed Construction Programme including resources planning.

  19. Advise the Contractor on how to prepare and agree an information Schedule for timeous implementation of construction.

  20. Advise the Contractor on how to continuously manage the review of construction documentation and information for clarity of construction requirements.

  21. Advise the Contractor on how to manage and administer the distribution of Construction information to all relevant parties.

  22. Advise the Contractor on how to continuously monitor the construction progress.

  23. Advise the Contractor on how to manage the review and approval of all necessary shop details and product proprietary information by the design sub-contractors.

  24. Advise the Contractor on how to review and substantiate circumstances and Entitlements that may arise from any changes required to the Contract Programme.

  25. Advise the Contractor on how to establish procedures for, and monitor all scope and cost variations

  26. Advise the Contractor on how to manage the preparation of monthly progress claims for payment.

  27. Advise the Contractor on how to receive, review and substantiate any contractual claims within the prescribed period.

  28. Advise the Contractor on how to regularly prepare and submit a Construction Status Report, including construction financial status report.

  29. Advise the Contractor on how to manage, co-ordinate and supervise all work on and off site.

  30. Advise the Contractor on how to manage and co-ordinate the requirements of the direct contractors if required to do so.

  31. Advise the Contractor on how to manage, co-ordinate and monitor all necessary testing and commissioning.

  32. Advise the Contractor on how to co-ordinate, monitor and expedite the timeous rectification of all defects for the achievement of Practical Completion.



  • Health and Safety Plan

  • Site establishment Plan

  • Signed Sub-contract Agreements

  • Quality Assurance Plan

  • Construction Communication Organogram

  • Record of Construction Meeting

  • Agreed Contract Programme

  • Agreed Construction Documentation Schedule

  • Detailed Construction Programme including Resource Plain

  • Design drawings, shop details and proprietary product information

  • Monthly progress payment claims

  • Construction status Reports





The process of managing and administering the project closeout, including preparation and co- ordination of the necessary record documentation to facilitate the effective operation of the project by the client.


Standard Services


  1. Co-ordinate, monitor and expedite the timeous rectification of all defects for the achievement of Works Completion.

  2. Manage, co-ordinate and expedite the preparation by the relevant sub-contractors of all as- built/record drawings and construction documentation.

  3. Manage and expedite the procurement of all operating and maintenance manuals as well as all warrantees and guarantees.

  4. Manage and expedite the procurement of applicable statutory compliance certificates and documentation.

  5. Manage the finalization of the Health and Safety File for submission to the Health and Safety Consultant.

  6. Co-ordinate, monitor and manage the rectification of defects during the Defects Liability Period.

  7. Manage, co-ordinate and expedite the preparation and agreement of the final accounts with the cost consultants and all subcontractors.

  8. Co-ordinate, monitor and expedite the timeous rectification of all defects for the achievement of Final Completion.

  9. Prepare and present Contract Closeout Report

  10. Advise the Contractor on how to upgrade their CIDB Contractor Grading Designation.



  • Health and Safety File

  • Contract Closeout Report


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