We provide the following services across the life cycle of a project to ensure the successful accomplishment of all goals:
Term Project Management staff attend client initiation meetings with other consultants to stay abreast of tenant-related issues
We liaise with the design/project architect to establish both design and aesthetic parameters for the storefronts to be installed, together with general architectural principles for interior finishes
We draft a Tenant Criteria Document based on the client brief and distribute it for comment by all parties
We collate comments from the client and all consultants and produce a Tenant Criteria Document for inclusion in leasing proposals
We develop a communication system between tenants and consultants once the Offer to Lease is in place
We liaise with the client's project manager to ensure agreement of cut off dates for the information provided to tenants “for construction”, based on the project program created by the project manager
We set up tracking schedules for the monitoring of tenant co-ordination process
During Construction
Term Project Management convenes and chairs meetings between tenants, leasing agents (when required) and the design team
We monitor/update tracking schedules on the status of tenants after receipt of the finalised “offer to Lease”
We monitor the “Base Building” drawing issued to the tenant by the architect
We arrange the timely arrival of the tenants' drawings/specifications for review, and provide the costing and co-ordination of tenant instructions by a professional project team
We confirm that the design team has the correct tenant requirement information.
We monitor the “Signage Opportunity” drawing issued to tenants by the architect.
We convene and chair tenant briefing meetings
We convene and chair tenant co-ordination meetings
We take receipt of, and distribute, Tenant Design Concept proposals
We co-ordinate the response to the Tenant Design Concept and advise tenants of comments
We co-ordinate the efforts of design consultants with tenant consultants
We advise tenants on council drawing submission procedures
We ensure the client's quantity surveyor is aware of any tenant costing required.
We track the progress/status of tenant costing
We advise the client of invoices required for payment by the tenant in the event of any tenant extras. Collection of payment is conducted by the client
We agree to a schedule of information and a program with tenants
We co-ordinate the main contractor's works with tenant installation works
We advise tenants of the beneficial occupation date
We convene and record beneficial occupation handovers
We take responsibility for the full delivery of tenant space ready for trading
We facilitate on-site co-ordination between tenant contractors and the main contractor
We facilitate the tenant/contractor interface on attendance to defects
Post Construction
Term Project Management monitors the tenant installation progress against the centre opening date
We monitor/update tracking schedules for the status of tenants after receipt of the finalised “offer to Lease”
We hand tenant files over to Centre Management